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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sine qua non: Persuasive Call for Action

Rising sea levels, increased rainfalls and flooding, heat waves, droughts and wildfires, crop failures and spreading of contagious diseases…

To what forces do we attribute these adversities? Are they mere natural occurrences? Think again…

Earth is indeed facing a disastrous end. Aforementioned events are just signals of a long-term rise in the world’s condition. For years it has been a question as to what might have caused these life-threatening episodes we experience, not realizing that the activities we perform essentially lead to these destructive phenomena. Yes, we have successfully identified it, the global warming, but we always tend to skirt the issue and live our lives the way we want it. We burn gasoline, coals and other fossil fuels inefficiently for energy; we cut down trees for paper industries without even replacing it; we utilize meats incompetently; we intervened natural processes of our ecosystems; all actions invading, all destructive. We keep on exploiting the environment as if we don’t know what the outcomes will be. Global warming is truly not just a natural occurrence but rather the consequence of our activities. We regard ourselves as far the most advanced group and yet we are not able to recognize how our existence and way of living distress other life forms inadvertently. We think we might belong to the predicted extinction of species that could be driven about by the tremendously worse effects of our undertakings but do we make actions regarding it.

While the humankind has the ability to obliterate, we can also act to sustain and preserve our planet in general. Unless it has been clear to our minds that our concern here is how we can stop the world from approaching its end, we will never learn to appreciate the very essence of life. While scientists dwell on this big deal issue for remediation, we, ordinary individuals can make a change by ourselves. Resolutions are like ABCs; by reducing carbon and green gas emissions, by driving less, by using energy-efficient lamps, by cutting down garbage, frequently using dishwashers and dryers, by recycling papers, by limiting use of plastics, by consuming farm fresh goods, and by using nontoxic cleaning products. Enacting these simple activities will surely not relegate the quality of our lives. These will even alleviate our dilemmas that seemed to be out of our control. It is by the time that we make our moves that this world will become the best place to live in.

The future is not somewhere we are going. We gently hold it as if it is an infant too delicate to handle; we mold it as if it is a glass too fragile to hold with; and we craft it as if our whole existence depends on it. In this real story of life, let us not serve as villains who will drive Earth near its end. A paradigm shift is what we need. Endure the pain of sacrifices and enjoy the goodness of life in return as we attempt to extend years of existence to our planet.

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