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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Establishing One’s Self-Image: Are we aware of it?

Like any other human demands, one thing we surely find essential for our development as human beings is a firm, established and well-founded sense of self. An indispensable concept we tend to live with unnoticeable, self-concept, seems to be our very own holding, should I say, resource as we strive to explore and take part in the society. The way I perceived it, as plot a course in our lives, the most precious thing we can keep for ourselves is our self-concept. Viewing the world self-interestedly, we always tend to regard ourselves as the “kernel” of any group or society we belong to. Anyway, it is like our tool we utilize to secure our existence and membership in the society. It appears then that it is our way to present ourselves as significant as possible, to keep ourselves relevant and imperative.

In relation to the aforementioned reality bits, there arises a need to foster a definite self-image. As we dwell on the topics in the class and as I have read the articles provided, I found this need very complicated to practice. It’s just that there are really lots of things to consider, various ways to mull over. The discussions made me aware of the existing ideas I didn’t know at all, or that I have been practicing them but I just don’t know what they are. For an instance, the spotlight effect is something that is indeed very evident in some of us. Unknowingly, this might be the very reason behind our never ending worries of how we look like, how people perceive us and the like. Funny as it may seem, but it may be the reason why we spend most of our time improving our appearance to look appealing and pleasant to other people when in fact they may not even pay attention to us. I had my first eyeglass last September at EO. Afterwards, my family and I went to my Aunt’s house. I was really preoccupied by the idea that I was wearing my eyeglass and that they will notice it. The day passed but then they didn’t actually catch sight of it. There are really times when we perceive ourselves as if we are worth noticing to other people when in actual fact they are also paying attention to how other people perceive them.

Oftentimes, we underestimate our anonymity. If we perceive ourselves significant, so do other people to themselves. We also get arrested by our worries whenever we commit mistakes when in fact others may hardly notice it and soon forget it. For an instance, when I was in junior high during our Home Economics class, I accidentally broke a mixing bowl. Worried that my group mates remembered what had happened, I asked them ‘bout it last semestral break and surprisingly, they actually could not recall the event. It will not be a strange thing if one considers this to contribute to the twist and turns of our lives. It somehow adds colours to our existence as we engage in our society, as we participate in our world.

However, conflicts may arise if one perceives a strong sense of self as self-absorbed and self-seeking. I have this good friend of mine who is definitely regarded as stubborn by everyone. He actually does not consider ideas from other parties and just stick to what he knows is good. As I perceive his personality, evident when time comes that I have to talk to him about the matter, he seems to be very insensitive or conceited to himself alone. He regards other people as insignificant as they can be. Poor little guy, as far as I know him, for he does not know how to handle his strong belief in himself.

Shifting gears, the goodness of a well-established self-concept is that it is accompanied by lots of personality aspects we need to be equipped with to successfully engage into our own perceived worlds. To weigh things regarding a strong sense of self surely matters. It is like a compelling force to deal with however, a controllable one. Self-image is what we create, conceive and present to our fellows. It does not only reside within ourselves but is very reflective when we involve ourselves to a lot of encounters. How we view ourselves affects every aspect of our daily lives though at times we are unmindful of it.

Image used fr http://romanowiczlawrence.efoliomn.com/c3

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