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Monday, January 24, 2011

Pearly Shells in the Philippines: Ruben Ranin's Birthday/ Luau Party

January 22 marks a very special day for Assumption Development Foundation (ADF). I guess for the very first time, a graduate celebrated his birthday with the foundation. Driven by wholehearted recognition of his being a member and realization of what the center had shared with him in his life, Kuya Ruben celebrated his day with us scholars. Everybody’s saying that he’s the most active alumni. I haven't seen him that much but I know he’s always been supporting the foundation. Motivated by this inspirational act, we graduates and current scholars found our ways to prepare for it. Behind the planning and conceptualization were Bobet, Ate Gercy, Ate Jess, Erwin and all others. All I knew is that they’ve been preparing for it for weeks only.

A Luau Party was successfully celebrated that night. There were leis and garlands, surfing boards, torches, flowers, palms and cocos giving light and colourful ambiance in the grounds. Enticing hula girls and male counterparts, performers and live music made the whole grounds vibrant and dynamic. Pasta, barbecue, prawns and squids, salads, pastries and the like brought delightful feeling as if everyone’s on a beach feast. Truly, Aloha’s in the Philippines.

Kuya Ruben brought with him his family, boss and colleagues. On his message, he mentioned that it was his first time to celebrate his birthday with the foundation and that he’s very grateful of having his little bro’s and sis' on his day. He also shared with us how ADF played a very big part of what he has become today; a very inspiring story of a successful man who looks back from where he used to be before. He told us that every year, he’s posting a sort of wishlist for his birthday. But for this year, in an aim to support the continuing students/scholars of ADF, he decided to give a big amount of money from the generous hearts of his fellow workers.

Well, the first time I met him was during a college seminar in centrex. He introduced himself to us graduating batch and shared inspiring stories of his life, of what he went through to be where he’s now. He’s working as an Operations Manager of the North Star Meat Merchants, Inc.

More than that of a birthday celebration, we actually endorsed our foundation to other people, eventually presenting this small community to the outside world. We have shown how we in small beginnings, can create an ideal Philippines where there is love, compassion, service, life offering , and sharing. As madam said in his message for Kuya, after all, that is what’s meant by aloha...

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