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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On Technonolgical Advancement Disparities

       When I took STS 1 (Science, Technology and Society) subject during my last semester in college, I've recognized a lot of factors on why our country, in the field of science and technology, is incompetent as I may say so, with that of the first world ones. This is of course a big issue to deal with and there would definitely be underlying aspects to consider. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, maybe, just maybe, everything roots to the following reality bites on technological disparities.

- Myriad Complex of Issues (multitude of factors, e.g. government funding, availability of resources, manpower, technical-know-hows, etc.)
- Strong Will in Pursuance of Technological Advancements (individual and organizational wills)
- Stringent Operational Implementation from Comprehensive Researches (laws and orders from the research agencies, institutes, academes, etc.)

         Countries who can afford to conduct and perform researches for further advancements bear the label of having supreme qualities for both products and services. They who have established their names in the global market as leading nations in the field of science can be attributed to the support from the government they receive and enjoy in time.
          Well, with great hopes, the Philippines will in time enjoy highly-defined technological advancements...

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