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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nocturnal Peeps: Communal Feature of Students

The question baffling my mind when I was preparing for this paper was actually not about ‘consciousness’ but rather things like how could I deal with some other requirements with my other subjects, and that it’s already getting late at night; how could I find samples for my analysis in parasitology class; or that how will I find time to attend a career orientation to guide another phase of my life. My mind has been preoccupied by lots of things to accomplish and commitments to attend. Though, I have realized that those were really awesome things I need to comply with, I had this tendency to lie back and ponder on why do I have to do these things or why should I conform with things I do not actually like to do. I do love the things I am asked to do though they may sometimes appear not interesting at all, mainly because I always try to find a very good rationale of doing the tasks. However, of course, like any other person, this does not apply true always in the long run. Admit or not, there will always come a time that we find ourselves caught in a situation of boredom, that the things we do are very regular course of work, not that challenging, something that we are already used to, and the like. Reflecting over these scenarios, I came about thinking, this is surely not true to my case alone. If I am as a student, is experiencing this argument so do my colleagues and some others with this kind of role to play (to study).

I guess, to find a lot of time for both academics and social concerns, the latter including that of establishing good relationships, intimate or not, would really matter for a student. Shaped by various cultures, we tend to prioritize things we know for a fact that would identify our needs and make us feel gratified. But if we thoroughly analyze a particular factor common to all of us student, specifically referring to those who are persevering of accomplishing goals, that is, what are the things do we utilize to achieve our intentions in a broader sense, I have identified the very role of our being conscious. With this idea however, though it may seem to be shared by most of us, our ways to maintain this state varies still. For an instance, we alter this so-called state of consciousness to arrive with a condition wherein we find ourselves responsive to the needs that our body may actually do not require. For students who do have lots of commitments, to stay awake even late at night, in everyday of their school life, is casual thing. A case in point, to keep myself alert or somehow attentive, I drink coffee. With its established stimulating effect and availability in the counter, I used to consume a cup or two especially in times wherein I have to stay awake the whole night during examinations week. Though this may turn up effective to me, it may not be good for some people. The doctor actually advised my mother to stop drinking coffee since it causes her to palpitate (actually I don’t know the potential mechanism). Anyway, it just shows that why we enjoy the benefits of these “drugs” for a psychoactive state, we should also pay attention with the potential risks they may pose. While we students and I know, even the professionals and some other peeps use coffee as our source of mind-stimulating compounds, we should bear in mind the possible consequences from which we may suffer if we keep on indulging ourselves to these drugs. While in effect it makes us nocturnal creatures for some time, if we take for granted the aftermaths it can also offer.

Image used fr http://issues.co.nz/EnlightenUp/Consciousness

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