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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Living life for others...

There are just things we have to deal with one at a time, step by step in the course of our lives and this comprises my principle in life; that I am not living for myself alone but for my fellows as well. ADF have developed in me this drive of helping less fortunate children at least even in simple ways I can. Every day when I go to school, walking in lanes with children selling garlands and the like has been a regular scene to me and I just don’t feel good ‘bout it. It is just like I’m enjoying the goodness of this life, acquiring at least the necessary things to survive yet there are these children who can’t even fill their stomachs with foods. My resolution then was not to give them money but instead give them pieces of bread so that I will be very sure that they have eaten a simple meal at least. I promised myself that once I had a good job, something that can support me more than what I need, or even if that will not be the case, I will really give support to those children. They are one of my inspirations; sounds odd, but I know I can bring out something good from them and that can inspire other people who are blind about this reality in the society. I can’t imagine these children growing in the streets, without proper education, suffering from insensitivity of those people who can afford good life. To create an environment that will make this country the best place to live in for all of us, we in the foundation have been constantly looking at things in a different way in compliance with what the contemporary situations calls us to respond so.

John Mark Katindig Torres

Image used fr http://lonjaurigue.wordpress.com/tag/street-children/

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