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Friday, April 29, 2011

Small Voices/ Mga Munting Tinig

I handled the Social Awareness class with the third year HS during our Summer Enhancement Program 2011 in Assumption Development Foundation. Film review of Mga Munting Tinig (Small Voices) was included as the introductory part of the subject of which goals were met during the small group discussion. Philippine issues in its own context from an array of aspects were also discussed.

Confronting the most disturbing educational, social and political issues of the Philippines makes the film truly incomparable and praiseworthy. The story started with an internal conflict of the main character, Melissa Santiago (Alessandra de Rossi), narrator and teacher in the film, as she was assigned to the far-flung area of Malawig. Fresh out of city college, of course, she found it hard to live her life in the rural setting. As she decided not to go with her mom in the states, she learned and realized her real mission, the true calling of service of a teacher. Her idealism brought her towards an indisputable passionate character one can barely see in typical movies.

It’s a story of struggle; struggle as Melissa tried to resolve a deep-rooted issue of apathy, disdain, corruption (local education system). Not mentioning the mounting political climate recruiting the fathers and sons of the barrio. Cultural obstacles were all before her eyes.


Mrs. Pantalan- the Principal who became passive of the educational system in the Philippines. With this, she stuffed her pockets with extra earnings by selling ice candy to her students.

Ma’am Fe- the incompetent English teacher with “tomatos”, “potatos” and “fee and ep”;

Ma’am Solita- the plump teacher who practiced authority with her students in appropriate ways;

Apathetic Parents who have resigned to the bitter fate of poverty;

Insurgents (Taong-Labas) who put their lives at stake for some kind of change (violent way); and

Ma’am Melissa who by all means, amidst all adversaries from teachers’ incompetence to the parents’ dispiritedness, from ever-failing government support to the menacing monsoon rains, addressed the problems she herself never thought would bring about the start of change.

It’s not simply a moving and heart-warming movie. The messages it conveyed, the characters portrayed, and the issues discoursed are exemplary. The power of change in outlooks and perspectives in life indeed turns the world upside down. Whenever struggles get on our ways, never lose hope and strive to resolve the issues it covers.

The Small Voices actually referred to the insights and idealistic spirit of the children of Malawig. In the midst of war dangers, corrupt school personnel and hopeless parents, these students project positive attitude towards life, dreams and future.

The following are some of my students’ comments:

"Nowadays, our country is facing different societal issues. Education system is the most alarming."
-Wendy Arceo

"The film gives me a glimpse of the children’s experiences living in a rural community. Simple yet full of hardships."
-Vella Gamata

"We can’t deny that our country faces Poverty."
-Roma Jean Bulan

"The movie was not produced for profit alone but to reveal the reality- that the diseases of this country are getting worse."
“Poverty is not an obstacle in pursuing our dreams”
-Patricia Ann Divino

"The movie serves as an inspiration to me and a source of hope; that I can also help in solving social problems."
-Julyn Roselle Formaran

John Mark Katindig Torres

Monday, March 21, 2011

Discovery Channel’s The Real Eve: An Inquiry to the Eerie Trail of Our Ancestors

Have you ever wondered who the first human beings (scientific perspective) were? And who were the first group of people to conquer the drastic environments of the old world?

This is not the usual paleoanthropological inquiry into the origin of our species but more of an inquest on how they have survived and took the first steps across continents and eventually establishing what we now refer as modern human beings.

The Real Eve traces the evolutionary path of the fully-evolved human beings (which seemed to be fairly the same as the modern ones). It’s a journey to the past taking into consideration not only the physical changes of the body but also the advancements in the way of thinking manifested in their actions.

Mitochondrial Genes

Mitochondria, known as the powerhouse of the cell, also contain DNA of its own independent of those in the nucleus. It therefore carries genes which may somehow have distinct functions for development. During fertilization, the mitochondria of the sperm located only in the tail (to initiate movement) are left outside the ovum. Only the head of the male gamete can penetrate the egg and hence its mt genes can’t partake in the genetic contents of their soon-to-be offspring. Therefore, only the mother can contribute mitochondrial DNA and genes to their offsprings hence we have Mitochondrial Eve. Scientists have been mapping out our matrilineal lineage from a single female ancestor who, research shows, came from Africa.

Evolutionary Events and Advancements

Evolution works along multiple paths but for now, let me consider some points raised in the film.

1. Complexity of Human Brain

2. Bipedalism

Bipedalism is the capability to roam around with two legs as the primary form of locomotion. Walking upright on two feet served to be the defining characteristics of the first humans as opposed to moving on all four limbs as in those of lower primates. Accompanied by this is the development of opposable thumbs which allowed early humans to grasp earthly objects and utilize them as tools eventually.

3. Base Camping/ Groups-formation

Early humans showed potentials of forming small interactive societies as the settle in one place and stop wandering at some point. When there’s an abundant vegetation or place to hunt, they dwell as a group with male as hunters and the women taking good care of the children. Division of labor among primary units was evidently shown in paleoanthropological researches.

4. Language , Art and Mysticism

First signs of cooperation and communication skills were observed in lower groups of animals but were more evidently exhibited by early humans. They used different sounds and arbitrary names they had agreed among themselves. Language played a very significant role in the development of what we now refer to as culture.

The evolution of our behaviours could actually be attributed on the complexity of the brain’s processes. Early humans thousands of years ago, utilized wall of caves to express probably the real scenarios of their daily subsistence. Hunting and some sort of rituals were discernibly drawn with texture on stones and walls. Scientists said that some figures were not animals of their time at all; it could have been part of the mysticism that has prevailed in groups in time. There could be the dawn of religiously-inclined rituals.

5. Sexual Evolution and Mutual Dependency

Through time, monogamous type of relationship has emerged. Bonding between partners as they strive to live amidst harsh environment remained strong. In the film, one could see affection and concern among members of a group when someone died (which of course, our sociobiologists have ascertained to be true). On mutual dependency, children have established long-term dependence on their parents and so did all other members of the society to their kind.

Indeed, a lot advancements have occurred in the course of time. In our case, our ancestors unknowingly did and performed a wide array of actions that lead us to what we enjoy today. Of course, there are far more sufficient and convincing inquiries to this concern other than those I have mentioned above. One may include today’s parental care and other cultural behaviours we can actually relate to that of our ancestor’s.

On Survival

The first humans derived their sources of nutrition mainly from surrounding plants and animal resources (eggs, insects and creeping animals) within reach. With the production of stone tools, early humans learned hunting of much bigger animals. Bones from butchered animals were eventually used for hunting also. The change in human diet distinguished us to some extent to our close relatives. Also, intellectual capabilities made its way in the course of time. Gathering into groups and sharing of foods among members even suggested how we deviate from other primates.

However, our ancestors were not just confined with hunting of land animals. They have already explored interior bodies of water in search for fishes and the like. Beach combing as shown in the film was fairly done when seas were way below the coastal.

When available resources depleted, the mysteries of our species even grew bigger as early human beings ventured on what we refer today as agriculture. Cultivation of fertile lands led to the propagation of today’s staple crops and vegetables. They have also learned which among the plants are edible or dangerous for humanity. Domestication of important animals followed fairly after (or probably at the same time).

Prior to some of these, they took risks of exploring places beyond their imagination. They have conquered different regions of the old world from Africa to the Middle East, through the mountains and the seas not known to them the dangers of wilderness. Soaring into the great unknown, they waited thousands of years to take the next moves. They have surmounted the Indian subcontinents, Malay Peninsula and freezing environment of early China. They have seized the ocean waters to ancient Australia and the beasts it concealed. From the striking heat and deserted areas in Africa to the hills and caves, temperate and tropical regions of early Europe, Asia and Australia, they all have established first diversification of the modern humans.

Relative Points

• “Our survival is at the mercy of the CLIMATE”- sounds familiar? Yes, of course. The finely tuned Earth’s atmosphere is now upset. Theories on the natural ability of Earth to destruct itself and the like may explain this but in the advent of our destructive activities, what seemed to be plausibly applicable to our ancestors’ time (where there’s inconceivable harsh environment) is now evident as in today. We may not have anything to do to stop the natural phenomena, but we can do things that won’t aggravate matters.

Human Impacts- As early humans conquered pristine regions of Earth, they have inadvertently affected other life forms. Some even caught in genetic ends. Extinction and threats to species’ survival increased as humans struggle to survive as well. You see, as early as their time, our undertakings caused tremendously worse effects to the planet.

Apartheid and other kinds of Discrimination – Africa is the cradle of human origin and subsistence. The Real Eve , the mother of today’s modern humans, was actually an African woman. What we deem today as lesser people because of their color and stature actually came from the lineage which gave us a reason to survive and persist. If we only realize how related we are to each other, regardless of color, physique, economic status and other Earthly concerns, we can definitely make this world the best place to live in.

The Real Eve- Does the Real Eve coincide with the Biblical Eve? Whatever the answer may be, this empowers our women to strive for their rights in all aspects of the society we know.

Cherish Life!!! - You see, it took thousands of years for our ancestors to develop a series of advancements in their physical beings and intellectual capabilities not known to them the rewarding benefit they can provide for today’s people. So live our lives to the fullest as we strive to extend the years of our planet.

*got a chance to join Madam's Philo Class (for the first time). http://potpourri-jmtorres.blogspot.com/2011/03/last-friday-i-attended-madams-philo.html

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Documentaries and News Casting/Reporting

I started watching I-Witness Documentaries in Powerhouse QTV 11 last January. I felt like so acquainted to the said program alongside other current affairs shows such as Reporter’s Notebook and Jessica Soho Reports. It happened that I wasn’t able to follow the usual programs during my college years since we didn’t have a tv set in the apartment. I am just glad to know that the broadcasting company still air some replays of their documentaries. Whenever I am watching such real life-issues and stories presented by indeed very good reporters, I always end up wondering about the protocol a particular documentary program follows in selecting the right reporter to conduct the research and deal with a certain issue [too inquisitive ‘bout this matter eh?].

On News Casting and Reporting...

It’s not because I am messed up by the usual news personalities we see all day and night in news programs [they have established themselves in the course of time, anyway] but I’m again thinking that in their presence, the reporters or at least the far-more-experienced-than-reporters staffs couldn’t excel as anchors or news casters [or into a position such as those highly regarded in the studios]. We all know that both concerns have different matters to consider. Again, this is by all means a question by a person who’s only wondering bout what and how it goes in public affairs and journalism [and so whoever reads this and has any comments, feel free to give some].

Well, known to the concerned viewers, the roles of an anchor and a reporter are almost interchangeable [at least an anchor can grab that of a reporter’s but the latter can’t easily have an anchor’s position].  While the reporter gathers the news [of all encompassing aspects] in the field, the anchor stays in the studio to convey collected info through TV or radio networks. The former does everything at least from gathering and assembling info, voice casting and script writing while the anchor may or may not write the news as he/she will deliver it later.

Unknown to us [but of course may seem too obvious], an anchor’s rank is esteemed and highly paid [accdg to a friend of mine who’s working in a local network].

The return of Brigada

I highly commend Brigada for again venturing into this kind of conveying news to the public. There are really lots of public matters we tend to ignore just so because we, in general aren’t actually informed about the real scenarios in the society. For me, it is a good thing to have such program that will discuss local problems in the country whether in the rural or urban as I may say. For a public affairs’ pillar [GMA News] Jessica Soho, who’s been in the said field for years [way back Beltran and Sotto’s Brigada Siete], it seems to be her time to give back what she has received in the course of her stay in the department by mentoring the new generation of journalists/reporters. Though I was not really concerned with the news ‘til 4th grade, I knew there were running news programs like Hoy! Gising, Frontpage, Brigada Siete, Magandang Gabi Bayan, etc.  Through time, the people have in general changed preferences on how news are delivered. The contemporary time needs [well as I deem so] a progressive strategy to capture interests amongst people.  A touch of opinion in an unconventional news program like that of Brigada with small bits of documentaries shows how news programs respond to what the present time calls for. Also, let me speak well of it again as the program gives the reporters behind the limelight [reporters who appear infrequently] a chance to give some commentaries on their reports as Jessica shares her own insights as well. Whoa. I so love it. [If I am not into the field of science, I’d probably in journalism. kapal...]

John Mark Katindig Torres

Friday, January 28, 2011

An Encounter with Nanay Nita: For All Filipinos and for the Philippines

                    Yesterday, I went to UP Manila to submit my official NMAT result as part of their major requirements. The Philippine General Hospital (PGH) was actually packed with folks in queue seeking for free medciations I think. I thought of going inside to see the setting in this government hospital but time constraints and the number of people seemed to suggest not to. My next stop should be UERM (University of the East) (for the same reason) near SM Sta. Mesa but the bus that is suppose to bring me directly to the school will be coming from Ayala Boulevard and I was that time along Taft Ave. in Pedro Gil MRT station. I asked the traffic enforcer then which among the public utility vehicles will fetch me to UE and he said in reply, “Sakay ka ng Recto iho tapos sakay ka ulet ng pa-Cubao naman [Take a jeepney to Recto then ride another one to Cubao]” telling me in short, I have to cut trips. I was as much as possible saving money so I decided to push through the one-ride option near PNU (Philippine Normal University). I strode across streets under the scourging heat of the midday sun as I was hoping to reach UE before lunch break until I heard someone softly uttered, “Iho (Son)”. I stopped right then for I knew it must be me (no one’s walking that time except for an old woman I got ahead of and left behind). “Po?” “Bakit po ‘Nay?” I inquired. She asked me in reply, “Ser, baka naman pwedeng makahingi ng tatlong (3) piso para makabuo ako ng siyete (7) [Sir, can you give me 3 pesos to complete my 7 peso-fare]”. She’s too old so I chose to escort her. She was using her decrepit umbrella to support herself as she struggles to go to the next jeepney stop. My worries on the long walk waned as I accompany this weak woman who seemed too strong to endure the striking heat above us. We passed by a food stand so I bought her a biscuit and distilled water. Her name’s Nita. She came from Bicol, couldn’t remember exactly where. She’s actually staying with her two nieces in Blumentritt but they weren’t able to come with her since both have their own matters to deal with. I got so interested with her so I asked her where had she been before we met. Much to my surprise when she lead my eyes to a big exposed wound on her left leg. She’s diabetic and she just got from the PGH for her check-up. She recounted, “Mag-isa na lang talaga ako, matagal na wala akong asawa [I am actually living by myself, I’ve been a widow for long]”. She added, “Bumiyahe lang ako dito sa Maynila para ipasuri ung mga nararamdaman ko kahit wala akong trabaho [I travelled here in Manila to have my condition checked even though I don’t have any source of income]. “Wala na rin kasing mga doctor sa amin [We’re lacking doctors as well]. I was actually filled with awe on her courageous character to travel with her old age and feeble condition until I felt much more significance on the real state of medical profession and services in the rural regions. I pondered on her last statement not knowing I wasn’t attending to her question until she patted me and said, “Ikaw, saan ka nanggaling? Taga-saan ka? [And you, where are you from?]”. I told her I just got from UP PGH too and that I am an aspiring medical student of the said institution. I have had my interview scheduled and that I am so excited to pursue medicine. I didn’t know at first if that impressed her when she said, “E di maigi yan, Iho [Good for you, boy]” until she added, “Maganda yun! Pupunta ka dito sa siyudad o kaya sa Amerika para yumaman ka! [That would be great! You’ll go here in the city or in America and get rich!]”. I said immediately with no hesitations, “Hindi po! Dito lang po ako sa Pilipinas magsisilbi, mas maraming nangagailangan sa akin dito, may doctor naman sila doon [No, I’ll be serving the Philippines, they need me more here. Besides, the city or abroad has their own doctors]”. She stared at me for a while, until she uttered these inspiring words worth keeping, “Sana ganyan na lang (mag-isip) lahat ng doktor [I hope that all doctors will be like you]”. We’re actually a few steps to the traffic light so I said, “Pangako po [I promise]”. I accompanied her to a jeepney and told her to take good care of herself. She just made a simple glimpse and smiled in return.

                    It was a great encounter for me and I haven’t imagined such. My encounter was an actual call for the present and future doctors to serve our fellow Filipinos not because we vowed to but because we ourselves see and feel the need to (Well, I hope we do and we respond to it too). I am not that sure if she actually practiced stereotyping when I told her I wanna be a doctor as she replied I’ll be working overseas or in the city but if ever that’s the case, for sure, that oversimplified category originated because it’s the actual scenario in the Philippines (and that she herself has observed that doctors migrate to the high-paying areas). My experience further strengthened my will to stay and serve the locals. A simple conversation with Nanay Nita opened my eyes to the true situation of the underprovided. I am really inspired to change this stereotype among professionals of all areas. I saw in her eyes and smile great hopes for me and for everybody who will know our simple encounter. I’ve learned a lot from her; things only our hearts can understand.

                    I wrote this blog not only for the medical professionals but for all Filipinos striving to have better lives. We don’t need to search for greener pastures; we have our own so why not nourish it ourselves so it will eventually turn green itself. Our fellow Filipinos are in dire need of our help. It may not be fashionable to profess love for our country nowadays but the pinnacle of every profession is to work for the benefits of our fellow Filipinos.

For the Philippines,
John Mark Katindig Torres
I got the image from https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-XXhRImijRSj0xkomzzsXiwvfEQZOjxpk1fR_h45lVEYgQd2JYpBIgPtQbyjOrKap_DbG9ogb6GhJ7NjJv2woe1nnZ62qAVkBuUpckRUN4GnOS8pJ5BGGeDFEWndoxoFgKF2VRPAh2Q0/s400/the_doctor_is_out.gif and edited it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pearly Shells in the Philippines: Ruben Ranin's Birthday/ Luau Party

January 22 marks a very special day for Assumption Development Foundation (ADF). I guess for the very first time, a graduate celebrated his birthday with the foundation. Driven by wholehearted recognition of his being a member and realization of what the center had shared with him in his life, Kuya Ruben celebrated his day with us scholars. Everybody’s saying that he’s the most active alumni. I haven't seen him that much but I know he’s always been supporting the foundation. Motivated by this inspirational act, we graduates and current scholars found our ways to prepare for it. Behind the planning and conceptualization were Bobet, Ate Gercy, Ate Jess, Erwin and all others. All I knew is that they’ve been preparing for it for weeks only.

A Luau Party was successfully celebrated that night. There were leis and garlands, surfing boards, torches, flowers, palms and cocos giving light and colourful ambiance in the grounds. Enticing hula girls and male counterparts, performers and live music made the whole grounds vibrant and dynamic. Pasta, barbecue, prawns and squids, salads, pastries and the like brought delightful feeling as if everyone’s on a beach feast. Truly, Aloha’s in the Philippines.

Kuya Ruben brought with him his family, boss and colleagues. On his message, he mentioned that it was his first time to celebrate his birthday with the foundation and that he’s very grateful of having his little bro’s and sis' on his day. He also shared with us how ADF played a very big part of what he has become today; a very inspiring story of a successful man who looks back from where he used to be before. He told us that every year, he’s posting a sort of wishlist for his birthday. But for this year, in an aim to support the continuing students/scholars of ADF, he decided to give a big amount of money from the generous hearts of his fellow workers.

Well, the first time I met him was during a college seminar in centrex. He introduced himself to us graduating batch and shared inspiring stories of his life, of what he went through to be where he’s now. He’s working as an Operations Manager of the North Star Meat Merchants, Inc.

More than that of a birthday celebration, we actually endorsed our foundation to other people, eventually presenting this small community to the outside world. We have shown how we in small beginnings, can create an ideal Philippines where there is love, compassion, service, life offering , and sharing. As madam said in his message for Kuya, after all, that is what’s meant by aloha...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Feast of Sto. NiÑo: The Child Jesus

We arrived at St. Peter Parish Church, Tungkong Manga around 8:30 when the second mass was about to end. In preparation for the next mass, we took seats at the front most pew just a few more steps before the altar. While waiting, I knelt on the hassock to give thanks for the past week and ask for forgiveness as well. As always, these hassocks serve two great functions for some people. While these thick firm cushions are designed for kneeling, many use it as footrest. I don’t know if the second way of using it disrespects the church. Well whether it creates an issue or not, anyway, it’s not my concern for now.

Today is the Feast of Sto. Niño: The Child Jesus. Am not sure though how long the celebration has became part of the Filipino (Christian) tradition, but the extent by which it has influenced our faith is very evident. Devotees came rushing from behind towards the altar as the presiding priest drew closer to a set of Sto. Niño emblems. With great hopes and faith, they brought with them their own graven images of the Child Jesus. After receiving some blessings and prayer, each placed their respective figures in front together with some others from the preceding mass. There was a variety of Sto. Niños; each differed from a number of aspects. Even with similar charming and hopeful face, there was definitely not a single emblem superficially comparable. From an inch or two to a life-size toddler, each was dressed distinctly. I heard that the color suggests some sort of luck for whatever field/discipline the owner of the emblem is into. Green is for money and business, etc.

For whatsoever way of presenting these revered icons of our God, what should be taken into great consideration is how we can put into practice the message it brings. The homily examined the qualities of a child in general. Like children, we should not keep things to ourselves, may it be tangible or not, verbal or material, emotions and the like. Always feel free to be ourselves (though, I thought that at some point, it may not be applicable), well just as long as exercising it won’t harm others. He mentioned that children are so expressive; limited by no constraints, they will cry whenever they feel the need to express something. They are indeed spontaneous; one quality we find hard to be (I think, hehe). On some point however, there will always be a right place and time to be somewhat unwary or impulsive. They are simple and thoughtless; unacquainted of the future but by what the spur-of-the-moment suggests. They are trustworthy and constant. All in all, these are the traits we used to have. Sadly, admit it or not, as we explore the world, or maybe as part of the human nature, we tend to lose a certain degree of these qualities. Maybe, when we ponder on these things again, we will be reminded how we intensely manifested the image of God. It seems very alarming for now, but unconsciously, as this year passes, and another feast comes, we will be again in this state of asking ourselves how we turned off from the course of living the qualities of a child. Devotion without practice and commitment is always useless.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Season greetings from the Philippines!
looks like the text ain't that visible, laughs... Anyways, Merry Christmas peeps!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A blend of love, service and offering...

As far as I could remember, it was during the 4th quarter of 2001, when a green van with a tall, amiable white man fetched I believe 10 of us students from Minuyan Elementary School for some sort of examination. Not known to us, that day marks the very chance of a lifetime. I just took the tests the usual way I do in school, with no worries of whether meeting the requirements to pass or not. The principal made it clear to us, though after, that the foundation will be selecting deserving students from Sapang Palay to receive scholarship for High school. However, I am from Bigte, Norzagaray and to be part of it will contravene the rule. I finished my elementary education as the batch Valedictorian with a very good news to both my mom and dad, that I got accepted as a scholar under Financial Assistance Program (FAP). Indeed, when it rains, it pours...

I am a farm boy. My dad’s a driver while my mom’s taking good care of us. We raise pigs for quarterly earnings. I’ve been through a usual farm life with cows and goats, ricefields and veggies, hays and pads. But never did I stop dreaming that someday, I know, we can be more than what we were before. My interests in school were further reinforced by Assumption Development Foundation with our annually-held Summer Enhancement Program. With the scholarship in hand, I managed to finish and obtain a quality secondary education in a private school, Sto. Rosario Sapang Palay College. I always do my best in bringing recognition to the foundation in every way I can and as a student, to make both my parents and the foundation grateful of having me, I always strive to get high grades. With continuous support, I graduated BS Biology Major in Microbiology at the UP Los Baños. Shifting gears, what made ADF very indisputably distinct, is that it establishes not the typical benefactor-scholar relationship but rather a long term bond of love, service and offering. Monthly meetings are highly regarded to serve a long-term goal of guiding us all for a lifetime. What I have learned from this foundation are things we can’t acquire in schools and in other institutions we might belong. The values, stories and life’s examples Madam and Father shared with us helped us establish our personalities. Furthermore, they taught us the need to be aware of the things happening around us, the true essence of service and offering for the Filipinos and for the Philippines in general.

I believe that the sense of responsibility is one of the best characters I have developed in the course of my stay in the center. In everything that I do, I always reckon what would be the effects and consequences of my actions. In this world we live, every decision we make and every path we take have substantial effects to other people. For the world and human well-being are inextricably linked, it underpins that we are not living our lives for ourselves but for the welfare of others. Realizations, concerns and incorporation of humane values are the ingredients why we ADF scholars stand where we are now. I know that I would not be who I am now because of this foundation. How I wish it can accommodate more youth for them to experience and understand that life is not just living for ourselves but living for others as well. And as I strive to be the paragon in the years to come, I am looking forward to be its lifetime constituent to continue its noble works for the ideal Philippines.

Though not all dreams can be achieved as we confront the reality, we should still keep holding on our dreams for dreaming itself is part of God’s plan. If we let it go, then we’re starting not to believe. God moves in mysterious ways...Move out of the box and explore...or else, we’ll never know what’s in store for us...

Starting the book of our lives, where stories of altruism, achievements and hopes shared together...

John Mark Katindig Torres
the dreamer outside Sapang Palay

Image used fr

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Plants in Milestones of Life Experience fervent passion. Unravel the gist of floral gems. Behold the Language of Flowers.

I graduated last April 24 of this year. However, I decided to go back to school and take extra courses to comply with the required units in med schools. I took comparative anatomy, practical botany and human physiology. The following piece is from practical botany; a GE course in natural science. We prepared a video for the said matter.

Long time ago, plants have been associated with human activities may it be as foods, medicine, clothing or part of some sort of rituals and beliefs. Overtime, meanings of their uses have developed great sense and different sentiments during various milestones of life. In an aim to deal with the plants used in milestones of life, we presented how flowers become a way of communicating feelings shared throughout one’s life.
First of all, the question that bothered our group was ‘do flowers have a specific meaning?’. We ended up thinking like it might have all started because they have wonderful colors and because people use them as gestures and symbols for communicating with their loved ones. Whenever there is a special event, to express sympathy, to show how much love you have for someone, or simply by just telling that you are there; all these acts and emotions can be well represented by these beautiful and enchanting colorful bracts and plant organs. In the course of time, traditional meanings may be provided for each and every flower that we have in the world but to know the real message the person likes to convey will always vary. After all, what matters most is the effort and compassion wrapped together with the flowers. Words will still play its role in communication.
We focused on birthday, graduation, courtship, marriage, anniversary, and period of senescence; those which are usual events in once life. We depicted a typical story of an old man reminiscing his times during youth and with his family as he approaches the near death. For every event we portrayed, we used specific flowers and identified their relative significance for that event.
Generally, regarding the main topic of the activity, our class have successfully integrated the important points in the lecture as we explore different plants and their associated uses and meanings may it be in terms of sociology and just mere daily significance in life. We have learned the various plants we associate with religion, superstitious beliefs and the like. Of most, I enjoyed our part. That “Talent Galore” was indeed a great idea for the recit class.
Giving flowers is a powerful way to share our sentiments on those very important events in the lives of our friends and family. While meanings may vary and change, forgotten and taken for granted, the idea itself of giving flowers will always be worth remembering. So, why not send someone you care about some flowers today!

John Mark Katindig Torres