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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Psychology of Lifespan Development

Like any other concept, life is not just as simple and shallow of being a quality, characteristic state or mode of living nor will it be as superficial as vitality and as a period of continuous activity. Well, I guess it would depend on how we put a certain concept or issue in context that arrive with a rather far new perspective and a view point that is inevitably repeated with its established and well-used premises. Starting with this portion of the Psych topics, it becomes evident that there are many roles playing part in each of respective concerns, dealing with various aspects regarding notions about life. And considering the many circumstances and elements to which one’s life revolves around, life can be regarded as an account of the series of events making up a person’s, that is, what made us ourselves today is a result of a continuous processing of shaping, molding, experiencing, and assimilating what we honour to contribute to our development in general. Life is not just a mere one-word referring to a state of being a live, it is rather a very complicated ‘idea’ to which concerns must dwell on the relative contribution of several influences surrounding us in the actual course of growth and stages of our lives.

While the meaning of life stays wonderful and very complicated, so do I find the relative factors contributing to its very essence. As it comes in various packages, different perspectives and discourses, to unravel each and particular issue surrounding it as a concept would mean an analysis of the step-by-step stages of development. To our concern, it is in here where the Psychologists like Freud, Erickson and others dealt with and came about with lots of interpretations of life’s stages to resemble the whole itself. To devise something like their theories would require a thorough analysis, standing substantial for a moment and may exist as a tool for interpretation for years yet stay as theories still. I won’t try o mull over those things they had proposed about the ideas behind our existence and the stages of our development for I find myself incapable of course to do such. What I found great about these concepts is that amidst their various understanding and explanations, all sides I guess about our lives, have been subjected to a lot of interpretations which adds twists and colours to each and every phase of our being. If I will be using that of Freud’s interpretations regarding the socioemotional aspect of my life, being topsy-turvy would mean that I failed to a certain point in my childhood life to overcome the crisis in the anal stage. I’m not that disorganized and I have each and every plan for my daily activities, it always happened though, that my things are not properly fixed or placed in particular order. My mom actually told me that my toilet training did not come that hard, I mean; I easily learned to control my bowel even before reaching the age of three, that age which Freud was referring to be the end of the second stage. Quite unsure about it but anyway this remains as a theory of course and I still find myself incapable of inquiring more about it. For this matter, I will admit that as far as to what I have observed, these theories may appear as conjectures only, precisely because we can’t actually see for ourselves the very activity of the phenomenon. But while these theories remain in hand, I guess, they are far great systems of judgements one could ever propose so far about our existence and throughout the lifespan development. Whether we failed to overcome the crisis of a particular stage or remained fixated, and incapable of resolving issues, we can still make another set of ideals for our life now that we are more conscious about it. Besides, we are the masters of our own fate.

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